Sure Developers Team Services

Sure Developers Team Services


Brodie's abscess

Brodie's abscess
Brodie's abscess

Brodie's abscess

It is a special type of osteomyelitis in which the body defense mechanisms have been able to contain the infection so as to create a chronic bone abscess containing pus or jelly like granulation tissue surrounded by a zone of sclerosis.

1. Age is usually betn 11 to 20yrs.
2. Commonest sites r upper end of tibia & lower end of femur.
3. It is usually located at d metaphysis.
4. A deep boring pain is d predominant symptom. It may worsen @ night.
5. In some instances it becomes worse on walking & is relieved by rest.
6. Occasionally, there may be a transient effusion in adjacent joint during exacerbation of d symptom.
7. Examination reveals tenderness & thickening of bone.

1. The radiological picture is diagnostic.
2. It shows a circular or oval lucent area surrounded by a zone of sclerosis.
3. The rest of bone is normal.

1. It is by operation.
2. Surgical evacuation & curettage is performed under antibiotic cover.
3. If d cavity is large, it is packed with cancellous bone chips.


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