Sure Developers Team Services

Sure Developers Team Services


Blind loop syndrome

Blind loop syndrome
Blind loop syndrome

Blind loop syndrome

Also called small bowel bacterial ovnrgrowth..
Disorders which impair normal physiological mechanisms controlling bacterial overgrowth.
.Most imp coz r 1. loss of gastric acidity
.2.Impaired intestinal motility
.3..Structural abnormalites
.Pt present with watery diarrhoea nd steatorrhoea with anemia due to b12 vitamin defi.
.Serum vitamin b12 conc low
.Barium study or small bowel enema reveal blind loops or fistulae
.Endoscopic duodenal biopsies exclude mucosal disease
.Endoscopic aspiratn of jejunal contents
.Tetracycline 250 mg 6 hry for 7 days
.Metronidazole 400 mg 8 hrly
.Intramuscular vita.B12 supplementatn


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