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Showing posts with label Health Wealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Wealth. Show all posts

Choledochal cyst

Choledochal cyst
Choledochal cyst

Choledochal cyst

¤Congenital cyst occuring in CBD
¤ manifest by 1 - 2 yrs of age
¤ TODANI classification
 type 1 - fusiform dilatation of              CBD
  type 2- lateral saccular                   diverticuli of CBD
  type 3 - Dilatation of intraduodenal segment of CBD
 type4-   Dilatation of CBD + intrahepatic biliary dilatation.
 type5 multiple intrahepatic cyst
1. Age - children within 1-2 yrs of age
2. Common in females
3. Abdominal distention due to large cyst & cyst palpated.
4. Slow progressive laundice, recurrent attacks with abdominal pain.

1.USG - confirm presence of abnormal cyst
2. MRI - reveal relation between bile duct & pancreatic duct.

  -premalignant anomaly
excision of cyst & reconstruction is treatment of choice
Type1- excision of cyst followed by Roux-en-y-hepaticojejunostomy.
 Type 2- excision of diverticulum wit suturing of CBD.
 Type 3 - endoscopic sphincterntomy is adequate
  Type 4- difficult to treat. Treated by Lilly's technique. In this technique posterior wall of byst can be left, after removal of mucosa
1. Recurrent cholangitis wit high grade fever
2. Rupture of cyst
3. CBD  stones
4. Carcinoma in cyst

Cf of ca tongue

Cf of ca tongue
Cf of ca tongue

Cf of ca tongue

Clinical presentation_

1 bleeding ulcer.
2 pain in the tongue is due to involvent of lingual nerve.In such case,pain frm the tongue can b referred to the ear n lower temporal region.
3 Anlyloglossia is restricted mobility of tongue.It is due to infiltration of the floor of the mouth or mandible.
4 dysarticulation_ difficulty in talking is due inability to move the tongue freely.
5 dysphasia is a common presentation frm ca of post 1/3 rd .
6 foetor oris is due to infected necrotic growth.
7 bilateral massive enlargement of lower deep cervical nodes in an elderly pt is suggestive of ca of post 1/3 rd of the tongue.

Premalignant condition of ca tongue_

1 leuknplakia_causes of leukoplakia r smoking,spices,spirits,sharp tooth,sepsis,sunlight,syphilis etc.
2 erythroplakia
3 submucous fibrosis
4 papilloma of the tongue or cheek
5 chronic hyperplastic candidiasis.
6 syphilic glossitis
7 discoid lupus erythematosis
8 dyskeratosis congenita




Cholestesteatoma="Skin hn d wrong place"

it has 2 parts

-made of keratinised squamous epithlm resting on d thin stroma of fibrous tissue

b=central white mass
-consisting of keratin debris produced by matrix
also caled epidermosis/keratoma

* Origin of cholestma

1=presence of congenital cell rests

2=invagination of tympanic membrne 4m d attic in form of retraction pocket=Wittmaacks theory

3=basal cell hyperplasia. The basal cels of germinal layer of skin proliferate due 2 infection=Ruedis theory

4=epithelial invasion. The epithelium 4m d meatus grows in2 middle ear through a pre-existing perforation=Habermans theory

5=metaplasia. Middle ear mucosa undergoes metaplasia due 2 repeated perforation and convert in2 squamous type=Sades theory

* Classification

1. Congenital

- arises 4m d embryonic epidermal cell
- sites: middle ear,petrous apex,cerebellopontine angle
- presents as white mass behind d intact tympanic membrane and causes conductive hearing loss

2. Acquired primary

- there is primary bcos there no history of previous otitis media/perforation
- theories :

a. invagimation of pars flaccida
- persistent -ve pressure in d attic causes a retraction pocket which accumulate keratin debris
b. basal cell hyperplasia
c. squamous metaplasia

3. Acquired secondary

- there is already pre-exisisting perforation in d pars tensa
- always asociated with d posterosuperior marginal or sometimes central perforation

- theories :

a. migration of squamous epithelium
b. metaplsia

* Expansion of cholestoma

- 4m d middle ear invade d surrounding structure and follows d path of least resistance and then enzymatic bone distruction
- attic cholstoma may extends backwards 2 aditus,antrum,mastoid, downward in2 mesotympanum and medialy surrounds d incus

* Distruction of bone

- cholstoma has d property 2 distroy bone e.g. ear occicles, bony labyrinth, canal of facial nerve, sinus plate, tegman tympani

Cervical Rib

Cervical Rib
Cervical Rib

Cervical Rib

This is an extra rib present in d neck in about 1 to 2% subject
mostly on Rt side
it is d ant tubercle of d transverse proces of d 7th cervical vertebra whch atains excesive devlopment and result in cervical rib

¤ Types

1. Free end of d rib is expanded in2 a hard, bony mass whch can b felt in d neck
2. Complete cervical rib extend 4m c7 vertebra posteriorly 2 d manubrium ant
3. Incomplte cervical rb ir partly bony partly fibrous
4. A complete fibrous band whch gives rise 2 symptms but cant be diagnosed by x ray

¤ Clinicl features

1. Common in young females, it is congenital but symptoms apears only aftr puberty
2. Dull aching pain in d neck is causd by expanded bony emd of cervicl rib
3. Features of uper limb ishaemia
_claudication pain
_low temperature, palor, sweating, splinter hemorrhage, ischemic ulcers in finger and gangrene of d skin
4. Featurs of ulnar nerve paralysis
_paralysis of intercostal muscles, wasting of hypothenar muscles, tinglin, numbness
_it is tested by card test and froments sign
5. A hard mass may be visible or palpable in d root


1. Cervical spondylosis
2. Cervical disc protrusion and spinal cord tumour
3. Carpal tunnel syndrome
4. Raynauds phenomen
5. Pancost tumour

¤ Investigations

1. X ray neck

¤ Treatment

1. conservative
shouldr girdle exercises and correction of favlty posture

Ca head of pancreas

Ca head of pancreas
Ca head of pancreas

Ca head of pancreas

70% of the cases occurs in the head of the pancreas including periampullary region


1. Tropical pancreatitis and hereditary pancreatitis r associated with pancreatic cancer such malignancies can be multifocal
2. Haemochromatosis:-produces extensive calcification of pancreas.Also a precancerous condition
3. Diabetes:-diabetic patients r 10 times more vulnerable for carcinoma of pancreas
4. Other possible aetiological factors:-alcohol and smoking:-it is related to tobacoo specific nitrosamines
 -westernization of diet:-fatty food,rich in animal proteins can cause pancreatic cancer
 -indusrial carcinogens:-B11-naphthylamine,benzidine,gasoline r the possible agents


 -Periampullary refers to carcinoma arising from ampulla of vater,the duodenal mucosa or the lower end of the common bile duct
 -microscopically,types are:
1. Mucus secreting carcinoma of ductal origin
2. Non mucus secreting carcinoma of acinar origin
3. Anaplastic carcinoma are poorly differentiated and tend to arise from the body of the pancreas
4. Cystadenocarcinomas are rare,slow growing and tend to attain a large size


1. Age: 50-70 years
2. Sex: comon in both sexes equally
3. Duration of symptoms: short duration( 1-3 months)
4. Symptoms:
 -pain: there may be some discomfort in abdomen but colicky pain is not a feature.Pain is relatively rare in carcinoma head of pancreas
 -fever: when obstruction becomes severe,there is bile stasis.Cholangitis,fever with cills and rigors can occur
 -jaundice: as a result of slow developing obstruction at periampullary region,jaundice is persistent,progressive,painless,pruritic,in 5% of cases growh may ulberate into the duodenum.It can cause melaena and jaundice may temporarily subside.
 -stools: clay coloured stools are common and when mixed with blood it is called silvery stools or aluminium paint stools
 -pruritus: severe due to bile salts in the circulation
 -loss of appetite: significant
 -loss of weight
5. Signs
 -jaundice: sometimes greenish yellow
 -anaemia: it is usually present
6. Per abdomen
 -liver can be enlarged due to back pressure.If it is nodular,with sharp border,hard in consistency,it is due to secondaries in liver
7. Gall bladder
 -gall bladder is palpable in 70-75% cases
8. Metastasis
 -left supraclauicular node,ascites etc.


1. Carcinoma stomach
 such mass may not be mobile.It does not move with respiration because it is fixed to pancreas
 -these patients will have vomiting first followed by backache at a later date
2. Ca transverse colon
 -produces constipation and bleeding per rectum.Vertical mobility may be present.
 -right to left peristalsis may be present
3. Para aortic lymph mass may be due to
 -intra abdominal malignancies,lymphoma,testicular tumor etc


1. Hb% is low in malignancy
2. BT,CT,PT r altered
3. Urine for urobilinogen is negative
4. Serum alkaline phosphatase: increased >500 units
5. Abdominal usg: it is most useful,noninvasive,reliable and quick investigation for obstructive jaundice
 -dilated biliary radicles,both intrahepatic n extrahepatic can be demonstrated
 -stones can be diagnosed with their postier acoustic shadow
 -mass lesion in the head region can be made out in cases of chronic pancreatis or ca head of the pancreas causing obstructive jaundice
7. CT scan:-
8. Endoscopy:-useful to diagose a periampullary carcinoma which may be seen as an ulcerative lesion in the 2nd part of the duodenum,biopsy can also be taken which shows adenocarcinoma
9. Barium meal:
 distortion of the medial border of the duodenum giving rise to inverted 3 sign
 -in ca head of the pancreas there may be widening of C loop of deodenum -Pad sign
10. ERCP ( Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography)


surgical treatment

 1. Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy -"whipple's operation"
 -in this operation growth along with 'C' loop of duodenum upto DJ flexure,removal of the head of pancreas upto the neck n partial gastrectomy is done followed by
-pancreaticojejunal anastomosis,gastrojejunostomy n choledochojejunostomy
 2. Pylous preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy PPPD
 in this operation,pylorus is preserved. Thus ,gastric motility is not disturbed
 3. Triple bypass: cholecystojejunostomy +enteroenterostomy +gastrojejunostomy
 this is a palliative surgery in which distended gall bladder is anastomosed to a long loop of jejunum to relieve jaundice.To prevent food particles entering into the gall bladder,enteroenterostomy is done.

Non surgical treatment

 -very elderly patients who r not fit candidates for surgery n patents who have metastasis can be treated by palliative stenting.Howerver,results of a surgical bypass is superor to stenting

Caldwel luc operation

Caldwel luc operation
Caldwel luc operation

Caldwel luc operation

Caldwel luc operation is .process of opening maxillary antrum through canine fossa by sublabial approach and dealing with the pathalogy inside antrum


1. Chronic maxillary sinusitis with changes in sinus mucosa
2.Removal of foreign bodies or root of tooth
3.Dental cyst
4 oroantral fistula
5. Suspected neoplasm
6  recurrent antrochoanal polyp
7 fracture of maxilla
8 approach to ethmoids
9 approach to pterigopalatine fossa


patient below 17 yrs age


general anasthesia with cuffed endotracheal tube and  a pharyngeal pack
local anasthesia can be done


reclining with head end of tabel raised . Patient lies supine with  face turned


1. Incisison
a horizontal incision with its end upward is made below gingivolabial sulcus from lateral incisor to 2nd molar it cuts through mucous membrane and periosteum

2 .Elevation of flap
mucoperiosteal flap is raised from the canines fossa to infraorbital nerve

3. Opening the antrum
using cutting burr hole is in antrum

4 Dealing with pathology
after opening maxillary antrum pathology is removed with elavator and foreceps

5 Making nasoantral window
a curved haemostat is pushed into antrum from inferior meatus
and then opening enlarged with kerrisons and sidebiting foreceps

6. Packing the antrum
ribbon guaze impregnated with liqid parrafin can be packed in antrum and its end brought out from nasoantral window into nose  Intrasinus packing is done if there is severe bleeding

7. Closure of wound
sublabial incision is closed with  catgut sutures

post operative care

1 . Ice packs over cheek in first 24 hours prevent odema haematoma
2  packing in sinus and nose can be removed in 24 to 48 hrs
3antibiotics are given for 5 tn 7 days
4  patient should avoid blowing his nose to avoid surgical emphyesema


1 Post operative bleeding
2 injury to nasolacrimal duct
3 sublabial fistula
4 osteomylitis of maxilla
5 anasthesia of teeth
6 anasthesia of cheek due stretching  of  infraorbital nerve

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