Sure Developers Team Services

Sure Developers Team Services


Carpal tunnel syndrom

Carpal tunnel syndrom
Carpal tunnel syndrom

Carpal tunnel syndrom

Charctrsd by comresion of median nerve as it passes beneath flxr retinaculum.


Any space ocupying lesion of carpal tunel may b rsponsbl
i) Inflamtry-rheumatoid arthritis,wrist osteoarthritis
ii) Posttraumatic-bone thickning aftr Colle's#
iii) Endocrine- myxoedma,acromgaly
iv)Idiopathic-commonest cause


Pt is genrly midle aged woman complaining of tingling, numbnes or discomfort in thumb & radial one & half fingers i.e in median distri.
Tingling more prominent during sleep. Feeling of clumsiness in carying out fine movts.
*On exam.
features of low median nerve compresion r found. Nerve conduction studies show dlayed/absent conductn of impulses in median nerve acros wrist


dividing flxr retinaculum & thus decompres nerve


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